This plugin lets you add great looking tooltips to words or key phrases of your choice throughout your website. Just create one tooltip, and it will automatically display for the chosen word or key phrase throughout your entire website. Make a choice between 32 color schemes. All based on CSS without any images.
You can choose which sections of the website you want to show the tooltips as well as select the specific templates it should show on. If there are certain tags, you would like to exclude you can simply add them, and the tooltip will not be rendered if the text is inside the tags you add.
If you have our Pages by User Role for WordPress plugin, you can also choose which user roles that will be able to see the tooltip. Let’s say you only want a certain group of people to be able to see the tooltip. Then you just set the Access Control to this user role.
You can try the Automatic CSS Tooltips yourself before you decide whether to buy it.
Simply use the following login details
Username: DemoUser
Password: TryMeNow
[sws_button class=”” size=”sws_btn_xlarge” align=”sws_btn_align_center” href=”/wp-login.php” target=”_parent” label=”Try before you buy!” template=”sws_btn_default” textcolor=”” bgcolor=”” bgcolorhover=”” glow=”sws_btn_glow_blue”] [/sws_button]
List of features
Tooltip (CSS3)
- Tooltips – for samples move cursor over browser names below
- Three different positioning options: Left, Center and Right
- 32 color schemes
- Add link when clicking tooltip (trigger)
- Add link target (_blank, _parent, _self, _top)
- Set width of tooltip
- Set font size used inside tooltip
- Limit the number of tooltips on the same page (Example, if you set this to 5, but the page contains the word you chose as a trigger ten times, the tooltip will only be shown five times)
- Set the Start Date for the tooltip
- Set the End Date for the tooltip
- Choose whether the tooltip should appear in widgets
- Choose which specific Templates the tooltip will appear on: Frontpage, Homepage, Archive, Category, Page, Single, 404, Search, Attachments, Tag and Author
- Choose which specific Post Types the tooltip will appear on: Posts, Pages, and any Custom Post Types.
- Set which Tags to skip. Example if you don’t want the tooltip to render on h1, h2, h3, etc.
- Set which Post and Page ID’s to skip.
- No use of images only CSS
- CSS3 fade in and fade out, which gives the CSS Tooltip a smooth appearance (this works in all modern Webkit browsers like Firefox 4, Opera 11 and Safari 5)
- Supports the following browsers; Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome 4+, Opera 9+, Safari 4+
- Gracefully degrades in older browsers
Change log
Version – March 1, 2017
- Update: Replaced add_query_arg with alternate function
- Compatibility Fix: Change classes where the constructor has the same name as the class to __construct (PHP 7 compatibility).
- Bug Fixed: Modified Javascript so that the tooltips rendered using Javascript survive
- Bug Fixed: Crash when running with other plugin using Options Panel
Version 1.6.7 rev37251 – June 10, 2013
- Bug Fixed: jQuery .live is depreciated
- Update: Increase act.js version
Version 1.6.6 rev27856 – August 31, 2012
- Bug Fixed: Remove PHP warnings
* Improvement: Modified Tooltips loading to improve performance
Version 1.6.5 rev14395 – December 19, 2011
- Bug Fixed: WordPress 3.3 related bug fix.
Version 1.6.4 rev6418 – July 1, 2011
- New Feature: Enabled tooltip by jQuery Selector behavior instead of word replacement.
Version 1.6.3 rev6149 – June 23,2011
- Update: Updated Options Panel to 1.0.3
* Bug Fixed: Removed php warning when license property is not defined.
Version 1.6.2 rev5259 – June 3, 2011
- Bug Fixed: Added a div to clear floated elements and force
tooltip height - Bug Fixed: On certain setup tooltip only shows once
- Bug Fixed: Replaced the jQuery fadeOut method for animate
because the callback function is not stable. Sometimes it is
immediately called and other times its not. - New Feature: Added new color “Bright Green”
- New Feature: Added new color “Black”
- New Feature: Options Panel updated to version 1.0
Version 1.6.1 rev4660 – May 21, 2011
- Bug Fixed: fix bug in IE8
- Bug Fixed: Improve tooltip sensitivity on IE8
Version 1.6.0 rev4629 – May 19, 2011
- New Feature: Added General Options panel, license, disableShortcode in widget
- New Feature: Added Automatic Update Notification
- New Feature: Parse Shortcodes in Tooltips
- Update: Changed how tooltip works. Content of tooltip is no longernext to the trigger
- Bug Fixed: Tooltip renderer was only processing a limited numberof tooltips
Version 1.5.0 rev4364 – May 6, 2011
- New Feature: Added fadein to new tooltip
- Update: New jQuery tooltip algorithm
- New Feature: Option to set a word count limit(amount of times a tooltip appears on the same page)
- Bug Fixed: Tooltip not staying open when cursor over tooltipplaced inside EAP (Easy Pagination)
- Bug Fixed: Removed flickering when cursor over trigger closeto where the tooltip shows
- Bug Fixed: Safari not showing tooltip inside shortcode
Version 1.1.3 rev4150 – May 1, 2011
- Bug fixed: overflow option default set to yes
- Bug fixed: remove php warning when word is found, but no post type is set
- Bug fixed: prevent tooltip from being applied to compound words
- Bug fixed: do not render tooltip if word is already a link
- New Feature: fetch plugin URL with WordPress API(support for alternative content folder)
Version 1.1.2 rev2958 – April 13, 2011
- New Feature: Apply tooltip to widgets
Version 1.1.1 rev2916 – April 4, 2011
- Bug fix: Sliders for setting values not working when SWS not installed.
Version 1.1.0 rev2720 – March 28, 2011
- New Feature: Added support for _blank, _parent, _self and _top
- New Feature: Added support for changing the font size inside the tooltip
- New Feature: Added support for adding ID for pages, posts and custom post typeswhere you don’t want the tooltip to be shown.
- New Feature: Added support for setting date range (start data and end date)for showing tooltip
Version 1.0.0 – March 21, 2011
- First release